I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails
to always reach my destination.~
Jimmy Dean
1. Nautical
a. Theheadingofasailingvessel,whensailingclose-hauled,withreference to the winddirection.
b. Acourserunobliquelyagainstthewind.
c. Oneoftheseriesof straightrunsthatmakeupthezigzagcourseofashipproceeding towindward.
A courseofactionor conduct especiallyonedifferingfrom some preceding or other course.
Sometimes in this rapidly changing world we have our eyes on the prize only to find we have drifted completely off course. It often happens subtly, slowly. Imagine sailing straight for an island but the wind shifts or unseen currents move you imperceptibly in a direction you never intended. If there is no deliberate response to adjust your heading, in time, you will be so off course you will completely miss your destination. Sound familiar? Or perhaps, in keeping with our sailing metaphor, it may seem you have just endured the "perfect storm". Wind and seas have battered and buffeted your little ship and in the ensuing calm your emotions run the gamut. Even to the point that you just don't want to play anymore. But.. here you are.
Maybe you are simply unfulfilled in your current circumstances or role and are unsure how to make the adjustments needed or the direction you want to go. Or you know the direction but you are nervous about venturing into uncharted waters.
Join me as we embark on an exciting journey of discovery. Together, through a unique blend of searching, study and action, we will develope a plan to get you back on course and prepare for future storms so that you will arrive at your destination.
Contact me today for a free, no-obligation coaching session. Let's go, it's a new day!
Kasey McLaughlin is a Denver Colorado based life, addiction recovery and small business coach. Motivating individuals and small business owners world wide via telephone, email and Skype. Specializing in small business start ups and reorganization. Life/ career optimization for individuals as well as career change, retirement planning, addiction recovery and emotion management.